Domestic sewage treatment 101 | Caring for your septic tank during winter.

Environmental Blog

Domestic sewage treatment plans are common where there's no connection to the main sewer system provided by the government, and septic tank systems are a perfect option when dealing with domestic sewage. They are effective, out of sight and odour free. They are also very durable and will last indefinitely as long as they are properly constructed. However, the responsibility of taking care of them falls solely on your hands. Proper maintenance is particularly necessary during the winter months when the harsh weather conditions can stress your septic system or even freeze it. If you own a septic system, here are some tips to keep it functional even as the snow sets in.

Insulate your septic system.

When winter hits, take steps to insulate the tanks and pipes of your septic system to keep it functional. Apply a layer of mulch over the tank, drainage field and any pipes. Use loose material such as leaves and hay that will stay in place and not become compacted. Additionally, before winter arrives, take time to plant some vegetation around your septic system. Ensure the plants you choose don't have a deep root system that may compromise your system as they grow. Such actions will help keep the heat within your sewage system and therefore allow the microorganisms present to function optimally for decomposition. Furthermore, this will help prevent freezing of your septic system.

Reduce traffic above it.

Reduce the movement of people and animals above the system during winter months. Also, avoid parking any vehicles or placing heavy structures in the vicinity. These conditions cause compacting of the snow and soil. Uncompacted snow is actually good for your system since it has heat insulation properties. It will therefore prevent the loss of heat from the underground soil layer and the system in general. Compacting the soil allows frost to reach the underlying areas faster and affect the septic system. To combat this, install a snow fence or any other barrier around the area.

Frequent water use.

During the winter, be sure to use your system frequently. Infrequent use will increase the chances of freezing of the contents of the septic tank. Generally use more water—the warmer, the better. Instead of weekly laundry, spread out your laundry over the week to ensure you drain the warm water into your system at least once a day. Also be free to run hot water baths. If you are leaving your home for an extended period, invite a friend to house-sit to keep your system in use. Such actions will increase the temperatures within your septic system and keep it functional.


29 August 2016

Energy efficiency in our school

It is important to let people know how much energy they are using with normal tasks around the school so they can make some sensible decisions about how they use appliances. We want to make sure that everyone at the school understands the focus on our usage and the effect that we can have on the environment, as well as the larger decision that the school is making such as motion-sensitive lights and replacing our energy-hogging older devices with new lower power using appliances. This blog talks about how to improve the energy efficiency of schools and will be useful for school administrators.